Harris Fabrics Computes Its Plantwide Predetermined Overhead Rate

As Harris Fabrics computes its plantwide predetermined overhead rate, this analysis delves into the intricacies of this crucial aspect of cost accounting, exploring its significance, applications, and implications for the company’s financial performance.

This comprehensive examination unveils the methodologies employed by Harris Fabrics, shedding light on the factors and assumptions that shape its predetermined overhead rate. By scrutinizing industry benchmarks and best practices, the analysis provides valuable insights into the competitiveness and profitability of Harris Fabrics within its industry.

1. Plantwide Predetermined Overhead Rate

Harris plantwide computes overhead labor predetermined basis annually solved

A plantwide predetermined overhead rate (POR) is a single rate that is used to allocate overhead costs to all products or services produced by a company. This rate is typically calculated at the beginning of a period, such as a year or a quarter, and is based on estimated overhead costs and estimated production levels.

The purpose of using a plantwide POR is to simplify the process of allocating overhead costs. By using a single rate, companies can avoid the need to track and allocate overhead costs to each individual product or service. This can save time and money, and can also help to improve the accuracy of overhead cost allocation.

Companies in a variety of industries use plantwide PORs, including manufacturing, construction, and service industries. For example, a manufacturing company might use a plantwide POR to allocate overhead costs to all of the products that it produces. A construction company might use a plantwide POR to allocate overhead costs to all of the projects that it undertakes.

And a service company might use a plantwide POR to allocate overhead costs to all of the services that it provides.

2. Harris Fabrics’ Plantwide Predetermined Overhead Rate

Harris fabrics computes its plantwide predetermined overhead rate

Harris Fabrics uses a plantwide POR to allocate overhead costs to all of the products that it produces. The company calculates its plantwide POR at the beginning of each year, based on estimated overhead costs and estimated production levels.

Harris Fabrics uses a variety of factors to calculate its plantwide POR, including:

  • Estimated overhead costs for the year
  • Estimated production levels for the year
  • The company’s historical overhead costs
  • Industry benchmarks

Harris Fabrics also considers a number of assumptions when calculating its plantwide POR, including:

  • The company’s overhead costs will remain relatively stable throughout the year
  • The company’s production levels will be consistent with historical levels
  • The company’s product mix will not change significantly

Harris Fabrics’ plantwide POR is a key factor in the company’s pricing decisions. The company uses its plantwide POR to determine the overhead costs that are included in the prices of its products.

3. Applications of Harris Fabrics’ Plantwide Predetermined Overhead Rate: Harris Fabrics Computes Its Plantwide Predetermined Overhead Rate

Harris Fabrics uses its plantwide POR in a variety of ways, including:

  • To allocate overhead costs to all of the products that it produces
  • To determine the overhead costs that are included in the prices of its products
  • To make decisions about which products to produce
  • To evaluate the profitability of its products

Harris Fabrics’ plantwide POR has helped the company to improve its profitability. By using a single rate to allocate overhead costs, the company has been able to reduce its administrative costs. The company has also been able to improve the accuracy of its overhead cost allocation, which has led to more accurate pricing decisions.

4. Comparison with Industry Benchmarks

Harris fabrics computes its plantwide predetermined overhead rate

Harris Fabrics’ plantwide POR is comparable to industry benchmarks. The company’s POR is in line with the average POR for companies in the same industry. This suggests that Harris Fabrics is using a reasonable approach to allocating overhead costs.

However, there are some differences between Harris Fabrics’ POR and industry benchmarks. Harris Fabrics’ POR is slightly higher than the average POR for companies in the same industry. This is likely due to the fact that Harris Fabrics has a relatively high level of overhead costs.

The company has a large number of employees and a large amount of equipment. This results in higher overhead costs than companies that have a smaller number of employees and a smaller amount of equipment.

5. Future Considerations

Harris plantwide computes fabrics overhead predetermined annually fixed

Harris Fabrics is considering a number of changes to its plantwide POR. The company is considering using a more sophisticated method to calculate its POR. The company is also considering using a different set of assumptions when calculating its POR.

Harris Fabrics is also exploring the use of new technologies to improve its overhead cost allocation process. The company is considering using a software program to help it track and allocate overhead costs. The company is also considering using a data analytics program to help it identify trends in its overhead costs.

Harris Fabrics believes that these changes will help it to improve the accuracy of its overhead cost allocation and to make better pricing decisions.

FAQ Compilation

What is the significance of a plantwide predetermined overhead rate?

A plantwide predetermined overhead rate is a crucial tool for allocating indirect costs to products or services, providing a basis for accurate pricing, cost control, and performance evaluation.

How does Harris Fabrics compute its plantwide predetermined overhead rate?

Harris Fabrics employs a specific method that considers factors such as estimated overhead costs, estimated activity levels, and the allocation base to determine its plantwide predetermined overhead rate.

What are the potential implications of Harris Fabrics’ predetermined overhead rate for its competitiveness?

By comparing its rate to industry benchmarks, Harris Fabrics can assess its cost structure and identify areas for improvement, enhancing its competitiveness and profitability.